Sunday, October 17, 2010

Home Groan: Let it out

As the title of this first blog implies, there may be some complaining ahead.  But I’m also hoping that there will be some commiserating, some comic relief (even if it means you laughing at me) and some support for all of us who are holding down the home front. This blog may not be for those of you who, in the words of my wonderful sister-in-law are “in the first flush of parenthood.”  Instead, it may make more sense to those of us who have dug under the poopy diapers, mismatched socks and broken toys to find our long lost sense of humor.

Those of us who stay at home can feel isolated, and this is an opportunity to share some of our frustrations and fulfillments, some trials and some tips.  I’ll go first!

Isolation.  Do you talk to your animals or other unlikely companions?  Dogs, cats, fish, Oprah—it doesn’t matter.  If you are currently conversing with any species other than human, or chatting it up with a favorite television icon it is time to join a book club, learn salsa or undertake some other pursuit that exposes you to real live people.  Note:  If you are receiving a reply from your animals or any TV personality, skip this blog and go directly to your medication.

Frustration.  I may have a BA in Advertising and Marketing, and a Master's degree in Communication but now, after several years at home, I also have that dread disease: “old thinking.”  And now that my children are mostly raised, my child-rearing skills are also out-of-date!  In fact, companies are more likely to look to Facebook strangers for marketing ideas (GAP did!) and Dora for parenting tips.  I have begun to think of myself as a human garage sale (or at my age, maybe an estate sale) on a quiet street--people keep driving by my treasures!

Fulfillment.  Ah, the moments that keep us from sticking our head in the (dirty) oven. The volunteer work, the perfect dinner, the accomplishments of our children (go ahead, take credit—after all they will blame you for all the bad stuff!) 

I find myself wondering:  Does anyone else feel isolated? Do you have some frustrations?  What’s happened to you as a positive result of your decision to stay home?  Oh, you say you didn’t stay home?  What do you think of us then?


  1. love the new venture! I love your analogy of being a human estate sale -- I feel picked over and passed over often -- makes me feel cheap

  2. Exactly keymom! Someone took the Nordstrom sign down and put up a Dollar Store sign while we were sleeping. I'll be posting most Fridays, hope to see you again soon!
