Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sliding Along


In the 1998 movie Sliding Doors, the life path of the lead character (played by Gwyneth Paltrow) is determined by her success or failure in slipping through the closing doors of a train.  In this tiny life moment, sharply different futures are defined for her and those around her.  If she makes the train, she arrives home early to find a cheating boyfriend and begin a life alone.  If she misses the train, well, she never knows about his infidelity and experiences a very different future.

Now what?

The movie is described as a comedy-drama (just like my life) and makes the point that our futures are sometimes determined not by the big decisions that we agonize over, but those little daily choices we make.

Choice or Darwinism?

I’m not saying that big decisions, like choosing to stand under a tree during a lightening storm won’t have consequences.  But direct consequences (glowing in the dark? developing super powers? death?) can be predicted in circumstances like that.  How about your decision to wear red lipstick, choose to make a left instead of a right, or stop for a cup of coffee on your way to work? Could those little choices change the course of your life?

How did fate bring them together?

I met my husband because I covered another worker’s bathroom break at a trade show booth.  I wasn’t supposed to be at the booth, or even at the show, watching him and his three partners make their way down the center of the busy aisle.  The coalescence of my presence in the hall, my co-worker’s bladder, my early morning choice of a bright red blouse and the serendipitous presence of the boys sealed my fate.

Not an actual historic photo.

It’s not just relationships, of course.  We found our house on a spontaneous drive to the beach.  Escaping the heavy beach traffic we detoured down a rural road, hoping that it would go somewhere.  Turns out it went straight to our new home.  We bought it that same day, over twenty years ago. Now I own a tractor. Didn’t see that one coming.


I watched “Sliding Doors” many years ago, and let me tell you, I was paralyzed with inaction after seeing it.  It still leaps to my mind sometimes, when I make decisions about which route to take, or where to vacation.  Only letting go and embracing the lovely interplay between fate and freedom unfreezes me.  Don’t be scared—watch the movie—you’ll appreciate the minor moments of your life in a whole new way.

You might need one of these after this movie.

Have any small decisions made big differences in your life?  

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